Welcome to Year 2 - Apple
Our Year 2 Team consists of Mrs Boksh,
Mrs Nandha and Miss Keeling
Mrs Boksh
Mrs Boksh is the Year 2 teacher at Little Heath Primary, where she absolutely loves teaching and supporting children from a variety of backgrounds. Her classroom is a vibrant space filled with laughter, learning, and creativity. Passionate about reading, she encourages her students to explore new stories and discover the joy of books. Outside the classroom, Mrs Boksh enjoys curling up with a good novel, always looking for new adventures to share with her class!
Mrs Nandha
Hi, my name is Mrs Nandha, and I am a Teaching Assistant in Apple Class. I have been a member of Little Heath since April 2024. I am passionate about working with children and enjoy supporting them in their learning and meeting their individual needs.
Miss Keeling
P.E. Days:
All children need their PE kit in school on a Monday and Tuesday. Our PE kit is plain t-shirt, black shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms and black pumps.
Homework will be set on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday. All children are expected to read at home as often as they can and rehearse their number facts. Their creative homework task is set at the start of the term and teachers will set a date for this to be returned. Children chose from a variety of tasks linked to their learning that term.
Reading Books:
The children will choose a library book on a weekly basis. The children visit the library on a Thursday and will need to return the book they have and they can then choose another book
Throughout Year 2 the teacher uses assessment to see how much the children have learnt. The formal assessments at the end of Year 2 (End of KS1 SATs) no longer have to be completed. Little Heath Staff will continue to use teacher assessments and the test papers will act as a guide to support the teacher judgements.
If children did not pass the phonic screening test in Year 1, they will have another opportunity to pass this in June 2024.
Books we will be reading this year are...
Thank you for visiting our Year 2 information page.
If you have any questions, please do come and speak to one of the Year 2 team.
Many thanks,
Mrs Boksh