Home Page

Little Heath Primary School

Together we Learn, Together we Achieve

Welcome to Little Heath Primary School. Please explore our website to see what we are achieving; wider opportunities, sport, and helpful links. At Little Heath Primary School, we strive to make children feel safe, to achieve their full aspirations, and have the knowledge and skills to REACH their full potential.

Little Heath's Curriculum


Mission statement:  At Little Heath Primary School, we strive to make children feel safe, to achieve their full aspirations and have the knowledge and skills to REACH their full potential. 


To give our children a curriculum that is engaging, exciting and accessible.

To give children the opportunities to showcase creativity and individuality.

To provide a safe and caring environment where children are happy and can thrive.


Respect, Explore, Acceptance, Challenge, Honesty



Social Skills

Leadership skills

Well being

Staying Healthy


Being part of the community

Working together

Personal skills


Protective behaviours

Staying safe

E- Safety

Being part of a country


Approaches to learning:                                              

*To provide an aspirational curriculum.             * To promote a love of learning.                * To promote a love of reading      * To promote shared experiences

* To provide personalised learning                     *To provide a range of teaching styles and resources to match the needs of our pupils.






Art and Design









Specialist roles:

Sport,  Guitar,  Dance and Art in house and we invite specialists in for topics.

ie: Growth mindset day, African music, Science day.



Football, Creative Caper, Art, Multisports,  Athletics  Dance, Breakfast club

School awards:

Achievement assembly weekly.

Star of the week, Maths weekly award, stickers and wristbands, Caught being Good, Dojo points, Values tokens,

Attendance awards for class and individuals.


*Friendship groups      * sensory            * Speech Link       * memory magic     * gross motor      * fine motor and basic skills      *  phonics       * transition                        

* behaviour                   * Toe by Toe      * reading partners   * e-buddies

Community links/ Enrichment weeks:

*Reading week  *e-buddies (CBS)   *Engage    * WASPS/CCFC

* AT7                    * Foleshill United Reform Church    * St Laurence’s Church                  *E-safety              *Digital awards

Enrichment afternoons:

  • Languages day    * dance     * guitar      *cookery    * topic afternoons
  • Sporting events     


Visits and experiences:

  • Panto      * Circus  *Active families Day          *Dol-y-moch        * Farm/Animals       *Local fire station     *Swimming      *Sport’s day and family picnic
  • World Book Day      * Red Nose Day                * Children in Need            * Macmillan coffee morning



  • Most children make good progress
  • SEND children are well supported
  • EAL children learn English quickly


  • Children are happy in school
  • The majority of children have good attendance
  • Children are safe and know who they can talk to.
  • Protective behaviours is taught every year.
  • Jigsaw is used to promote PSHE

Personal development:

  • Children are well behave
  • Children are enthusiastic learners
  • Children want to learn
  • Children are starting to have higher aspirations
  • Children have very good relationships with staff




Parent survey

Pupil voice

Self – assessment


Learning walks

Lesson obs

What does your child learn at school each day?



At Little Heath we aim to inspire and enthuse children about their learning and to ignite a curiosity that develops lifelong learners. We teach our children from a topic based curriculum, where units are selected to interest and excite children. While our youngest children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage, the topics we teach throughout the rest of the school are underpinned by the National Curriculum and develop skills and knowledge to prepare children for life beyond this school.

Within this thematic approach there is an emphasis on English and Maths skills, which can then be applied across the curriculum as a whole. The learning activities provided allow children to grow their understanding of the world around themas well as nurture their confidence in what they can do and achieve.

In order to build solid foundations in English children are taught phonics from the ReadWriteInc. Programme; moving on to developing their spelling skills. These skills are then reinforced and applied whenever writing takes place across the curriculum. They are also given the opportunity to practise their mathematical calculation skills, daily, in our ‘fluent in four’ sessions.

To support and enhance our curriculum we provide learning opportunities that take place outside the classroom, these may be within the school setting as well as further afield. These opportunities allow children to have a wider range of learning experiences in different environments, gaining understanding and new skills in addition to applying what they already know.


To find out more about the curriculum please come to talk to our deputy head, Mrs Bolus, or follow the class links to see what is happening in each classroom.


Together we learn, together we achieve.
