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Little Heath Primary School

Together we Learn, Together we Achieve

Welcome to Little Heath Primary School. Please explore our website to see what we are achieving; wider opportunities, sport, and helpful links. At Little Heath Primary School, we strive to make children feel safe, to achieve their full aspirations, and have the knowledge and skills to REACH their full potential.

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 - Hazel


Our Year 3 Team consists of Miss Sharma and Mrs Thabul.

PPA Staff - Mrs O'Neill


Miss Sharma

Hi! I am Miss Sharma and I teach Hazel class. I am a new member to the Little Heath family. I am passionate about teaching and love working with our unique children. 


Mrs Thabul

Hi, I'm Mrs Thabul and am a teaching assistant in Hazel Class. I love to support children in their educational, emotional and social development either individually, in groups or as a whole class.




P.E. Days:

All children need their PE kit in school on a Tuesday and Thursday. Our PE kit is plain t-shirt, black shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms and black pumps. 



Homework will be set on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday. All children are expected to read at home as often as they can and rehearse their number facts. Their creative homework task is set at the start of the term and teachers will set a date for this to be returned. Children choose from a variety of tasks linked to their learning that term. 


Reading Books:

The children will choose a library book on a weekly basis. The children visit the library on a Tuesday and will need to return the book they have and they can then choose another book.                            


  • To be able to read quickly and accurately with a great understanding of the words and language used
  • To know the school values and show them consistently all around school to everyone
  • To attend school as much as possible
  • To use and be able to explain the important language in all subjects both when speaking and in our writing



Year 3 Long Term Plan 








The children are assessed during Year 3 against the objectives in the National Curriculum. Children may sit individual tests throughout the year to support the teacher judgements.








Books we will be reading this year are...

  • The Iron Man - Ted Hughes
  • The Pied Piper of Hamlin - Fairy Tale
  • The Last Firefox - Lee Newbury
  • My Dad's a Birdman - David Almond
  • Llama out Loud - Annabelle Sami
  • The Wild Robot - Peter Brown




Long Term Plan - Science History Geography

Thank you for visiting our Year 3 information page.


If you have any questions, please do come and speak to one of the Year 3 team. 


Many thanks,


Miss Sharma
