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Little Heath Primary School

Together we Learn, Together we Achieve

Welcome to Little Heath Primary School. Please explore our website to see what we are achieving; wider opportunities, sport, and helpful links. At Little Heath Primary School, we strive to make children feel safe, to achieve their full aspirations, and have the knowledge and skills to REACH their full potential.


Little Heath is a one form entry school situated in the Longford / Foleshill area of Coventry. Historically, the school expanded into a 2-form entry primary school, however we are now a 1 form entry school throughout from reception to year 6. This means we have lots of additional space for children to learn.

We have a diverse community whereby we have on average over 60% of our children have English as their second language. We have between 34-40 different languages spoken in our school. We embrace all cultures, religions, beliefs and languages here at Little Heath.

Cultural Diversity

Admission arrangements

We are able to have 30 children in each of our classes. These are allocated to us by Coventry City Council.

If you wish for your child to join Little Heath primary you must apply to Coventry City Council. You can do this by clicking on the link below for their online form or contact details.

Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary Admissions Oversubscription Criteria Policy 2024/2025

Community and Voluntary Controlled admissions policy - oversubscription criteria 2023/2024

Primary School Admissions

Current year 3 cohort

All new children to Coventry who should be attending school in the current year 3 cohort, will be placed into a school through the Fair Access Process (FAP) and not through admissions. Parents must still apply to the admissions team for a year 3 place. This is because there is a significant shortfall of places in this year group across the city.

From Coventry City Council website:

In-year transfers

When a child enters primary school or transfers at 11 to secondary school, it is normally expected that he or she will continue at his or her school throughout their school career. However, we do know that there may be times when a parent feels that a transfer is needed. As a parent, please think carefully before making an in year transfer request. A change of school may not be the solution and if undertaken hastily may worsen the situation. There is clear evidence that the attainment levels of children who move schools are significantly lower than those who remain at the same school throughout their primary education. Parents considering a transfer should also take into account that if you choose to move your child transport assistance will not be available.

Secondary School Admissions

From Coventry City Council website:

Deciding which secondary school to choose is one of the most important decisions carers / parents and young people have to make. We want to make sure that the move from primary to secondary is as smooth as possible.

We aim to make sure that you have the best chance of securing a place at the school you want. Many schools, however, receive more applications than there are places available.  All schools must have admissions criteria set out within their admissions policies to help determine how the available places are allocated. These arrangements must be fair and unbiased and follow the requirements of the Government's School Admissions Code.

School Appeals

For appeals, please follow the link below.

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 

Little Heath Admission Statement

Together we learn, together we achieve.
