Welcome to Year 4 - Palm
Our Year 4 Team consists of Miss Nisar and Miss Foxall in Palm class.
PPA Staff - Mrs O'Neill
Miss Nisar
Miss Foxall
Mrs O'Neill
P.E. Days:
All children need their PE kit in school on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Our PE kit is plain t-shirt, black shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms and black pumps.
Homework is sent out on a Friday and is due to be returned on a Wednesday. All children are expected to read at home as often as they can and rehearse their times tables on times tables rockstar. Their creative homework task is set at the start of the term and teachers will set a date for this to be returned. Children chose from a variety of tasks linked to their learning that term.
Reading Books:
The children will choose a library book on a weekly basis. The children visit the library on a Friday and will need to return the book they have and they can then choose another book
Throughout the year the teacher uses teacher assessments to judge where the children are against National Curriculum objectives. Children may sit a more formal test to support the teacher judgements at different times in the year.
In year 4 there is also a Multiplication Table Check (MTC) which is completed online with all children (year 4 only) We hold a parent meeting to give more information about this. You can read more information here:
Thank you for visiting our Year 4 information page.
If you have any questions, please do come and speak to one of the Year 4 team.
Many thanks,
Miss Nisar